While we are living on this planet we havethe choice either to carry on living as we are now and know that we will destroy life on Earth, or we can decide to live in a way that sustains life on Earth. The choice is the starting point for Permaculture.
To sustain life on Earth we have the basic ethics of; Earth care People care and Fair shares
Earth Care This covers a wide range from caring for GAIA as a whole living system; respecting the earths magma and central core; the deep rejuvenating water cycle that gives spring water it's minerals and full life energy; the soil and its myriad life giving fertility; the animals and plants of all shapes and sizes that live on it, under it, or in the air; the air we breathe; the water cycle with mists, rain, rivers and sea; and out into the moon, sun and planets that influence life on Earth.
People Care Providing for humans basic needs of health, food, water, shelter, warmth and community are essential for all people on Earth.
Permaculture is about providing these:
Growing food using and building natural fertility. Understanding how to catch and store water and keep its natural cycle flowing. Learning how to build with natural and local materials. Providing heat for keeping warm and cooking using the Earth's natural energy and renewable resources. Building local community to provide our basic need to interact with other humans. Using simple accessible techniques to keep us healthy rather than relying on the technological medicine chest that is un-affordable for many people on Earth. Supporting and caring for people we interact with. Caring for our personal essential needs so that we are capable of caring for others. Purchasing Fair Trade goods and banking with an ethical Bank Triodos. Having fun with life, singing, dancing and giving.
The following Eight Direction Exercise helps me stretch my body and prepare for the day ahead and it takes less than 10 minutes.
Fair Shares This is about using the resources that we need and, if we have surplus using these to help others Care for the Earth and Care for People. Sharing and cooperation, rather than greed and hording resources to make profit. These resources may be physical goods, food, land, money, time or information. Give away surplus. Developing a gift economy helps this process.
"If you have two coats, ask yourself who the second one belongs to." (Jeff)
Prime ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence
and that of our children.
The majority of the world is working hard to abolish life on Earth. Once you have decided to sustain life on Earth then Permaculture design helps us to practically change our relationship to the Earth.
What connections with animals, plants, humans or places have brought you joy and excitement for life?
From my own perspective I encountered two deer in the woods yesterday. This is really special when they stand and make eye connection with you. At this point you can talk to them and they don't run away. Last summer I noticed a gorse bush covered in delicate dog roses. Surely a gift from the fairies. One of my great joys is to dance fully in the moment. This often happens with the practice of 5 Rhythms dance. Connecting fully with your body and connecting without thoughts, to other dancers. Walking through the woods and listening to the waves of wind in the trees, or by a shingle shore where the pattern of waves breathe with the shingle moving in and out. A beautiful sound for the ears to hear. The taste and smell of the salty water. The fresh energy filled air to breathe. Our whole body feels alive. All the senses living and awake.
Coming into balance and cooperating with our surroundings
Take time to make connections
Principle of Cooperation - Cooperation is the very basis of existing
life systems and of future survival.
What does this person, or land have to give if I cooperate with them?
We need to account for all our actions for a mature ethical behaviour.
Law of Thermodynamics as restated by Watt
All energy entering an organism , population or ecosystem can be
accounted for as energy which is stored or leaves. Energy can be
transformed from one form to another, but it cannot disappear, or be
destroyed or created. No energy conversion system is ever completely
Energy tends to dissipate and organised systems drift inevitably towards entropy, or chaos.
Entropy is bound, or dissipated energy. It becomes unavailable for work, or not useful to the system. 1+1=1 1/2
Synergy is when two species or elements act on each other beneficially,
allowing both to increase their yield. 1+1=2 1/2
How can I best use energy before it passes from my site, or system?